Flood Damage

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Service list

Stopping Flood Source

A perfect balance between the team and management is a part of our philosophy. Kaizen Restoration is a positive…

Water Extraction

A perfect balance between the team and management is a part of our philosophy. Kaizen Restoration is a positive…

Mud Extractions

A perfect balance between the team and management is a part of our philosophy. Kaizen Restoration is a positive…

Water Extraction and Dry Up

A perfect balance between the team and…

Why You Should Choose Kaizen Restoration in Case of Flood

Flood Damage Consequences

1. Health and Safety: Floodwater can be contaminated with bacteria, viruses, and other harmful substances that can cause illness or disease. The Kaizen Restoration team has enough experience and equipment to properly clean and disinfect the affected area, ensuring that it is safe for occupancy.

2. Quick Response: A fast response time is crucial after a flood to mitigate further damage. We have 24/7 emergency services and can respond quickly to start the mitigation process.

3. Equipment: Kaizen Restoration has the experience, knowledge, and specialized equipment to handle flood damage. We have powerful pumps and vacuums to remove standing water, as well as dehumidifiers and air movers to dry out the area quickly.

4. Insurance: We are able to work with your insurance company to ensure that you receive the compensation you need to cover the cost of repairs. We can also provide documentation and evidence of the damage to support your insurance claim.

5. Future Damage Prevention: Flood damage can cause long-term problems if not addressed correctly. We can identify potential issues and take steps to prevent future damage, such as sealing cracks in the foundation or repairing leaky pipes.

What You Should Do in Case of Flood

If you decide to use the tips from this website, then you personally take responsibility for the consequences.

Video Tips for What You Should Do in Case of Flood

What you should not do in case of Flood

If you decide to use the tips from this website, then you personally take responsibility for the consequences.

Video Tips for What You Should Not Do in Case of Flood

Our Works​


How long does it take to get a response from our customer support after you make a call?

Our customer support responds immediately after you make a call. Although if all our operators are busy, we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

How much will it cost to restore my home?

It depends on the type of damage, difficulty level and service. Our team will make the necessary estimation and let you know the price of it.

Will my insurance cover the expenses of your service?

We work with all insurance agencies. Our team will help you to collect all the necessary papers and provide the documentation needed for the insurance.

Do I need to be at home all the time during the restoration?

No. You can do your usual activities while we do the job. We make sure that our specialists make online communications with you during that period.

How long will it take to restore my home?

It depends on the damage level, difficulty level and the area. However, our team will do everything to restore your property as soon as possible without sacrificing on quality.

Can I restore/repair the damaged house on my own?

Our team can give you some advice on how to fix anything if the difficulty level is not high. However, if you don’t have any experience, it is better to leave it to the professionals.

How long will it take you to make an estimation?

After you make an inquiry, our specialists will make an estimation and contact you in 3 working days.

What types of damage can you restore?

Our experienced team can handle any type of damage caused by fire, water, mold, storm, flood and sewage.

Can you help with the insurance claim process?

Our customer support service will help you to collect the necessary documentation, evidence and everything you need to proceed with the insurance claim.